Counting the Omer to the Day of Pentecost
During the Feast of First Fruits, God told Moses to speak to the children of Israel and have them bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of their harvest to the priest, according to Leviticus 23:9-17; 21. The priest would then wave the sheaf before the Lord on the day after the Passover Sabbath. From this date, they were to count the days for seven Sabbaths. On the fiftieth day, they would celebrate the day of Pentecost - also known as Shavuot or Feast of Weeks.
An "omer" -- a sheaf of Wheat
The time counted between Passover and Pentecost was called “counting the omer.” An “Omer” is a sheaf of barley and wheat – the first of the harvest - and it was waved before the Lord. Pentecost does not have a fixed calendar date in the Bible but is observed after completing the counting of the omer.
Just as the firstfruits contains a promise of not only looking forward to the early harvest but also to the day of redemption -The number “50” symbolizes freedom and redemption.
We see in the New Testament that Christ is both Lord of the harvest and of firstfruit. The Feast of Firstfruits was fulfilled in the resurrection of Christ as the Firstborn from the dead. Passover was fulfilled as Christ is seen as the Passover Lamb (a sign of His death). But at the Feast of Firstfruits, He is seen as the risen Savior. After counting the omer, we will celebrate the Day of Pentecost as it was fulfilled in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) was given to all who believe.
Today, April 9, 2018, is Day 9 of counting the omer. Will you join us in counting it down?