"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Tu B'Shvat -- the Jewish Holiday - Plant Trees in Israel for $18

Tu B'Shvat is a holiday celebrated in Israel beginning tonight, February 12th, by planting trees in the Land! Once a year, we have an opportunity to purchase trees that will be planted in Israel. Trees are planted in Israel where they are most needed and in areas that are most conducive to their growth based on environmental research and geographical need. Currently, areas of focus is in the Carmel Forest and the Negev Desert. A variety of tree species indigenous to the Middle East such as native oaks, carob, redbud, almond, pear, hawthorn, cypress and the exotic Atlantic cedar are planted. Trees are $18 each and you can be part of this holiday. Song For Israel will collect donations to send to the Jewish National Fund for "Trees for Israel." To donate, please click here and designate "Trees." Thank you for making Israel beautiful!